Is Church Membership in the Bible?
Dr. Charles Blackstock
May 1, 2013
In this video, Dr. Charles Blackstock addresses the question of whether church membership is in the Bible. He explains that the Bible speaks of churches being a body of believers and not just a place where people congregate. He references the book of Acts, which states that people were added to the church in Jerusalem and that the Lord added to the church those who were saved. He also references Ephesians 4, which says that the whole body should be fitly joined together. He concludes that the Bible uses the word "members" several times and carries the connotation of being a local church member. There is plenty of scriptural basis for people to be members of a local church. God wants each believer to be a part of a local body of believers where they can grow, develop their spiritual gifts and become useful in reaching souls for Christ.

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